some nuance by on Russian journalism/ state coercion over it

juan juan.g71 at
Sun Jul 24 15:39:29 PDT 2016

On Sun, 24 Jul 2016 11:54:34 +1000
Zenaan Harkness <zen at> wrote:

> Some may find this interesting as it brings a little nuance to the old
> meme of "the Russian state censors Russian media with a heavy hand".

	What I gather from the article is that journalists in russia
	are fully corrupt, and the few who are not corrupt get fired.
	Which is what the author wants to convey anyway?

	So it turns out that journalism in russia is as corrupt as it
	is in any other country on the planet. Hardly surprising at all.

> Russian journalism’s double white lines
>  Ilya Yablokov 22 July 2016

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