US FOIPA Held Up By Bogus Use Of Green Screens

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Sat Jul 23 03:04:39 PDT 2016

On Sat, Jul 23, 2016 at 05:57:55AM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
> A new lawsuit alleges that the FBI intentionally conducts inadequate
> searches of its records using a decades-old computer system when
> queried by citizens looking for records that should be available to
> the public.
> Freedom of Information Act (Foia) researcher Ryan Shapiro alleges
> “failure by design” in protocols at the Department of Justice (DoJ)
> for responding to public requests. The Foia law states that agencies
> must “make reasonable efforts to search for the records in electronic
> form or format”.
> In an effort to demonstrate that the FBI does not comply with this
> provision, Shapiro requested records of his own requests and ran up
> against the same roadblocks that stymied his progress in previous
> inquiries.

Rabbit holes ... the goals and purpose of government, along with murder,
theft, graft, deception, papers please, coercion, corruption and all
manner of other evils.

The United States Government is merely the best example of despotic
government today.

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