Greens Party Jill Stein to Pardon Snowden, Manning, Kiriakou, Swartz, Etc

Rayzer rayzer at
Sat Jul 23 18:25:04 PDT 2016

Jill Stein invites Bernie to join the Green Party now.

On 07/23/2016 11:56 AM, grarpamp wrote:
> So, I’d say let’s welcome home Edward Snowden as soon as we can and
> likewise, I would pardon Chelsea Manning, and some other
> whistleblowers out there, John Kiriakou and others who’ve really done
> a great service for us. And I also want to mention Aaron Swartz, who
> was a proponent of a free and liberated Internet and for sharing our
> resources on that internet, who was basically hounded into suicide
> And mind you, this is the majority of our discretionary budget. It’s
> 54% of our budget. It’s almost half of your income tax pays for these
> wars and this military that’s scattered all across the world, that
> does not make us safer, it actually makes us less safe and it inflames
> the local populations
> If you add up all the other bases of all the other countries put
> together, it’s less than 30, ok? And we have 1,000. So, there’s
> something really wrong with this picture.
> By coming back to a truly Defense Department, rather than an ‘offense
> department,’ we can actually scale way back on our military
> expenditures and have hundreds of billions of dollars to put into true
> security, here at home and in the causes of peace and justice around
> the world.”

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