the most annoying thing about Juan

Sean Lynch seanl at
Tue Jul 19 22:08:04 PDT 2016

On Tue, Jul 19, 2016, 17:29 Ted Smith <tedks at> wrote:

> Feel free to tell me how any of that relates, even remotely, to what I
> said.

I think his point is that he would welcome such discussion about other

Russia has been the West's "whipping boy" since the USSR collapsed. Instead
of dismantling the cold war apparatus as it should have, the US and NATO
just kept right on going. In my opinion the cold warriors and their
children have been trying desperately to ignite a new cold war, and it
seems to me they've succeeded.

One thing I don't quite understand is, why cypherpunks? I don't think you
will find many pro-US-government folks here aside from the fed moles.
Recruiting maybe? The latest Russian surveillance law will probably put a
damper on that.

> On July 19, 2016 5:07:17 PM PDT, Zenaan Harkness <zen at> wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 19, 2016 at 04:22:05PM -0700, Ted Smith wrote:
>> ...
>> Feel free to demonstrate how the USA champions democratic principles,
>> respect for sovereignty (national and individual - corporation
>> sovereignty is the problem, not the solution) and the rule of law, as it
>> (the USA BIMSIC - banking, industrial, military, suveillance, injustice
>> complex) drones humans to death, every day, in at least 12 countries.
>> Feel free to initiate a thread on how we might engender, induce or
>> otherwise educate our fellow humans to find authority within themselves,
>> to stand for a principle greater than meat pies and footy, and to act in
>> pursuance of such a principle. Many of us a flat out of ideas - really.
>> And also, feel free to point out how "my" "democratically elected"
>> "leaders" here in Australia are really doing a fine and upstanding job
>> at the helm of this great land, how we should all,
>> individually and
>> collectively be striving to emulate them and how this will lead us into
>> a better place, a better world, a better future.
>> Please, and seriously, any such bit of positive news would be good for
>> my ears as much as for yours, 'cause mostly all I see going on all
>> around the world today is ludicrous unethical evil actions, idiots
>> strutting around as "leaders" spouting abominations against all human
>> decency, common sense and righteousness!
>> Please, do enlighten me - I'll wait...
> --
> Sent from my Android device with K-9 Mail. Please excuse my brevity.
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