Instead of only bashing tor, why not discuss the alternatives?

juan juan.g71 at
Tue Jul 19 14:57:15 PDT 2016

On Tue, 19 Jul 2016 11:44:16 +0300
Georgi Guninski <guninski at> wrote:

> Instead of only bashing tor, why not discuss the alternatives and move
> to something allegedly better?

	We need to get rid of tor first. Resources wasted on tor are
	resources that can't be used in good projects. 

> Certainly some advanced attack and/or backdoor will screw them all.
> For a start, I would like to know:
> 1. What are alternatives to tor (possibly with less functionality)?
> 2. Is the alternative known to be in bed with shady stuff like TLAs?
> 3. Did they have braindamaged bugs (like debian's openssl memset())?
> 4. What is their security/anonymity bug history?
> 5. To what attacks they are known to be vulnerable?
> 6. To what attacks they are conjectured to be immune?
> As an aside, I heard critique of Riffle: MIT are allegedly in bed with
> USA. Don't know it this makes sense or not.

	Of course it does. As a matter of fact tor cunts dingledine and
	syverson are part of mit, or part of mit projects like



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