on grokiing intention

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Sun Jul 17 09:02:20 PDT 2016

On Sun, Jul 17, 2016 at 06:40:15PM +0300, Александр wrote:
> 2016-07-17 17:59 GMT+03:00 Zenaan Harkness <zen at freedbms.net>:
> > I am hearing
> > George's heart here
> >
> Oh, you just told Peter not to "throw" illusions on others... not to see
> good where there is total absence of it... and... TADAM.
> George's heart, Zen?!
> Please! I (and any observer with 1 mg mind and heart) can see in his
> comments/trolling NO heart (even no mind), but a heap of... you know what.

You may be right. I do not know him, nor what is in his mind/ his true
intention. Perhaps he really intends to troll me. It is possible I could
deserve that - I'm just a human, all humans are fallible.

Perhaps I used less than the best words and should say "I am hoping to
hear his heart" - perhaps that is clearer, perhaps not. Perhaps I am
naieve and gullible, I don't know for sure.

Perhaps we can agree on the following:

1. I have posted a lot of pro-Russia articles. 

2. Before today I had not clarified in simple terms my belief that
Russia is the only reason BRICS could be created, and the only reason
other nations have the guts to stand together against the attacks from
the USA.

You see when I read George's words I read what I considered to be a
"genuine bafflement" - as in, he was sort of asking me "dude, are just
trolling us or what?" - that's certainly been suggested before.

So since this "are you trolling?" keeps coming at me, then my next
thought was "to me it seems obvious I'm not - I am trying to present
relevant facts" - but relevant to what? Why is it that I say that Putin
rescuing Russia from destruction as a nation, is a good thing?

And then I had the "ahah!" moment and thought: I guess I haven't clearly
stated my thesis of "a) USA vs the world, and b) Russia gives balls to
the other countries" thesis.

I hope it was useful for someone ... George perhaps.

PS It's not fair for me to hide my thesis, to just assume everyone
thinks the way I do, and from this point of view, it was a fair call (in
my mind) for George to call me on it - perhaps there are other things I
take for granted that make me look like a nut job, perhaps there always
will be. I don't get much feedback see, so without George challenging
me, I would not have been pushed to consider that may be I was
withholding my viewpoint.

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