Tor Replaces Its Entire Board

Rayzer rayzer at
Thu Jul 14 20:16:43 PDT 2016

On 07/14/2016 06:55 PM, juan wrote:
> On Thu, 14 Jul 2016 18:39:11 -0700
> Rayzer <rayzer at> wrote:
>> On 07/14/2016 06:24 PM, juan wrote:
>>> On Thu, 14 Jul 2016 17:51:15 -0700
>>> Rayzer <rayzer at> wrote:
>>>> On 07/14/2016 12:10 PM, juan wrote:
>>>>> Sure, sure. While I search for your past posts
>>>> Sure, sure. You do that nutjob.
>>> 	I already did stupid scumbag
>>> >From rayzer at  Sat Jun  4 23:13:17 2016
>>> "Appelbaum's departure under seemingly normal circumstances being
>>> seized as excuse to (what appears to be) institutionally slander
>>> him."
>> Indeed, that's what has happened. Still waiting for someone to contact
>> the police about his alleged rapes. Nutjob.
> 	So you are saying that the rest of tor scumbags are
> 	'slandering' their 'ex' comrade, and 'freedom fighter'
> 	appelbaum? 

I'm saying you're a trolling nutjob. Nutjob.

It's not 'the rest'. It's 'a few'.

There's a difference Nutjob.
> 	How can such a horrible conspiracy be possible?? You sound like
> 	a nutjob rayzer...
> 	And of course, a leading 'anarchist' like you get his
> 	facts from the police. Isn't that cute...

I don't get facts from the police. If and when it occurs I get
INFORMATION from them.

There's a difference ... Nutjob.

>>> "The smear site is privacy-protected as to ownership but it appears
>>> to use github's servers.
>>> Hasn't github been
>>> 'compromised'? "
>>> ** hacking conspiracy against github too!
>>  I never mentioned hacking anything. Nutjob. The poster had an
>> account. Nutjob
> 	Well, it's obvious that you are a  charlantan too. 
> 	Github has been 'compromised'...

That seems to be the sentiment of quite a few people who put their code
there... Nutjob.

>>> " You mean like my "Mistake" assuming ioerror was the victim of
>>> orchestrated institutional slander?" 
>>> "The reason I noted it so quickly is because Institutional
>>> Slander campaigns aren't new, " 
>> So I'm still waiting for you to show me one I've posted. Nutjob.
> 	Come on rayzer. You *are* pretty stupid, but even in your case
> 	it's clear that you are going the extra mile here and playing
> 	even more dumb.
> 	There's an "orchestrasted institutional slander campaign",
> 	which just so happens to have been orchestrated by...your tor
> 	friends!!!!
> 	Go ahead, razyer, do play your part =)

There's an "orchestrasted institutional slander campaign", by people who
have a bone to pick with ioerror, and it doesn't seem to be the 'bone'
that allegedly got rammed up their allegedly unwilling asses or else
there's be a police report from ONE OF THEM by now, and for your
information, NUTJOB, I have no friends that came from ANYTHING related
to computers or the industry. I make acquaintances with Libertarian
psychopaths (like you nutjob), I don't befriend them.


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