[OT] Fwd: Re: [liberationtech] Need some advice re: online secure communications platform for a survivors group

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Mon Jul 11 05:57:34 PDT 2016

On Jul 11, 2016 2:05 AM, "Александр" <afalex169 at gmail.com> wrote:
> Oh yeah.
> That's definitely proves boyce is a goody goody guy.
> Illusions. Sweet illusions, Cecilia.
> By the way, Hitler ""LOVED"" animals. Especially deers.
> https://retrieverman.files.wordpress.com/2016/01/hitler-with-roe-deer.jpg
> And boyce likes to "help" sometimes with 3 sentences (3 cents) in the
list. Wau. It proves so much.
> Boyce sends you a big thank you for the PR you made him right now. And
that he'll bring you back to the tor list for your ""service"" (and don't
tell me you didn't think about that opening this thread.Oh no. You just
wanted to "open" our eyes to the goodness in boyce. oops).


No, I was just thinking about hardcore wild and hot sex with a guy who
hates me.  All that I want in my life is flirting with Boyce in public,
using the cpunks list.  Oh, the way he banned me was so sexy, Alex...  How
about telling everybody I was doing "ludicrous rape apologetics" in his
inbox?  Wow, it was really exciting!  Learn with him how to seduce a woman,
my dear!  :-)

Hahaha, talking seriously now...  Alex, my dear, what is the problem with
you in the last weeks?  Your last messages had more "f*ck this, f*ck that"
than my whole sexual life, you are much more aggressive than usual and you
simply didn't read the message content, silly boy!  :-/

When I forwarded the message, I was trying:

1)  to annoy Juan a bit.  I like him a lot and he knows it.
2)  to ask for some help for Lina, showing her thread in another list
(Liberation Tech).  Both, list and thread,can be interesting for some
people here, I suppose.

3)  to prove that even Boyce is able of good things, like _everybody_ in
this world.

I have a lot of things in common with Hitler, Alex.  I am a vegetarian who
loves children, animals, books, painting and German people too.  Am I a bad
person because of my preferences?  :-)

Boyce wrote to Lina in private, not in public, giving her a suggestion.  I
really appreciate kind and spontaneous support acts.  The fact he used
three sentences doesn't care.  In some moments, three simple words are
enough.  Some people can write books without saying something really
relevant.  Writing a lot doesn't mean anything, Alex.

I don't know if Boyce is a member of cpunks list or not, but it doesn't
care.  I don't want to be part of tor-talk list again and I know he is too
proud to apologize for being injust with his stupid allegations of rape

You don't know me enough, Alex.  Don't try to judge my acts using your way
of thinking as measure, please.  We are very different.

I don't know what "PR" means, but I probably will be annoied with you if I
search for its meaning.  I really did not understand the "service" part,
but I am sure you were so injust as Boyce.  Congratulations, Alexander.
You did it like a boss...  whoops, a Boyce!  ;)

Hihi...  Take care, silly boy.  :-)
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