"The West" - an absolute disgrace to Humanity!

juan juan.g71 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 9 17:15:07 PDT 2016

On Sat, 9 Jul 2016 16:45:52 -0700
"Stephen D. Williams" <sdw at lig.net> wrote:

> On 7/9/16 1:27 AM, Steve Furlong wrote:
> > > "The West" - an absolute disgrace to Humanity!
> >
> > ... he says, using a communication medium invented by The West.
> And empowered by freedom and free speech invented and protected by
> The West, and the US in particular.  It seems likely that the degree
> of free speech in other Western countries came about, was extended,
> and/or was protected because of the US First Amendment.

	Yes, stephen is nothing but a motherfucking troll =)

	The 'west' was living in the stone age until the americunts
	invented ICBMs. With a little help from their imported german

> Cypherpunks could only have survived and thrived and made a
> difference by being predominantly based in the US. 

	and yet cypherpunks didn't make any single, fucking difference -
	that should tell you someting about the state of your americunt

> Which isn't to say that the US is perfect. 

	Of course, of course. The US just need to finish off a few
	million more niggers or hundreds of millions more 'foreigners'
	worldwide, *then* it will be perfect.

> In many ways, the US is
> always imperfect, always in a squabble or fight about rights and
> limits, land grabs or monopoly and healthy commerce; that's part of
> the design of the system 

	Of course of course! Well, that's the first sensible thing you
	said. All the americunt savagery IS part of the 'design' of the
	'system'. The monopolies, the land grabs, the jails, the wars.
	That's  your true americunt spirit.

> and what enables it to generally work and
> improve long term.  

	Sure. The more savagery, the more improvement. War is peace
	and all that.


> sdw

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