1, 400 US Mayors Just Slammed the White House for Risking Nuclear War With Russia

Rayzer rayzer at riseup.net
Thu Jul 7 09:28:51 PDT 2016

They're slamming the WH for never having installed those anti-missile
systems near their respective city halls, right?

On 07/06/2016 09:53 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> I know, I know, a positive story about Americans, at least some of them?
> Absolutely.
> America is a large non democratic MIC hegemonic state, and I do not mean
> to promote that structure. This article should speak for itself, and is
> heartwarming to hear anything like this coming out of the USA:
> 1,400 US Mayors Just Slammed the White House for Risking Nuclear War
> With Russia
> http://theantimedia.org/mayors-slam-obama-nuclear-policy-russia/
> (Alt:
> http://russia-insider.com/en/politics/1400-us-mayors-just-slammed-white-house-risking-nuclear-war-russia/ri15436
> )

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