TSA Thugs: TSA Agents Beat And Jail Disabled Teen With Brain Cancer

Cecilia Tanaka cecilia.tanaka at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 17:50:41 PDT 2016

On Jul 3, 2016 7:51 PM, "juan" <juan.g71 at gmail.com> wrote:
>         My position is radically different to that of quinn and his mob
and yet you think we are both 'likeable'? Your opinions here are absurd.

Juan, you and Quinn are not my friends, but I appreciate both.  Certainly
not enough to invite you to visit my house or to borrow money and books,
but I like you both.  :)

A fool example, I have friends who believe in God in a blind way and also
extremely Atheists friends.  They are good persons and I sincerely respect
all of them.  They have different personal beliefs, but they all have good
character and are intelligent.

>         Not to mention, again, that you think that a totalitarian piece
of shit like quinn is a good guy. Since you believe that, your moral
judgements are a bad joke...which shows what you really stand for.

He is a good person.  Too moralist and intollerant for being my friend, but
he is a good person.

You are a good person, but very aggressive in some moments and pretty
intollerant too.

Uff...  Juan, you seem to know more about me than myself to judge me so bad
in all the moments.  Please, what do I really stand for?

>         Fine. I'm not tolerant either. I don't tolerate stupidity and
evil intentions or acts. As to being 'open minded', again, I'm certainly
not open minded to stupidity. Being 'open minded' to stupidity is hardly a

Juan, if I show you some truth and you don't like it, you simply will say
it is stupidity because you are too proud and hard headed for admissing
when are wrong.

> >  [Cecilia]  Sorry if you felt offended with my words.  I don't support
any kind of 'nazis'.  Radical people are extremely boring.
>         Not sure who you are calling radical? The nazis? The problem with
the nazis were not that they were radicals. Or that they were 'boring'...

I was not talking about nazism, only about extremely radical people:
feminazis, vegan nazis, econazis, etc.  Sorry, at least for me, radical
people are always boring and/or annoing.

>         I don't think your explanation changes anything. You want to
ignore this particular poll because it doesn't paint the americunts in a
good light. But the poll is completely consistent with americunt 'culture'.
If anything the real numbers are prolly higher.

Juan, it hurts me a lot because it is a pool about my family's death, not
because "doesn't paint the americans in a good light".  It would hurt me
the same if it was a pool about French people opinion, if it was a pool
about Chinese people opinion...  The problem is thinking about people
saying that it was correct to use nuclear weapons to kill people.

And, please, always remember that laws, sausages and researches are not
made in a beautiful way.  I don't trust in all researchers that I've
knowed.  I already saw some serious frauds in works and books.
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