USA To Require Govt Issued ID To Use Internet, No More Anonymous

juan juan.g71 at
Thu Jan 21 13:52:41 PST 2016

On Thu, 21 Jan 2016 13:35:57 -0800
Rayzer <Rayzer at> wrote:

> juan wrote:
> > 	Now tell me rayzer, you are a 'true' 'anarchist', and the
> > proof that you are a 'true' 'anarchist' is that you worship the
> > 	american DVM ...
> Haven't had a DL in 20 years and my ID is 15 years expired.

	Doesn't your fucking herd have the divine collective right to
	identify you? The information is irrelevant bullshit anyway
	assuming it's true. 

	The discussion made it clear that you are an 'anarchist' who
	sides with the american state and one of its arms of total
	surveillance, operating on roads.

	But yes you are also an hypocrite since you both defend
	surveillance while not complying with it yourself. 


> On the other hand, I don't drive a smogbox anymore, and when the
> police ask for ID, I IDENTIFY myself with my name. That's all I'm
> legally required to do.
> Keep the ad homs comin' rube.

	Dude. You are a stupid joke. You had the cheek to call me a
	'right winger', a claim that you obviously can't substantiate,
	and instead what you did is shown that you are intellectually

	You :

	1) fancy yourself a 'true' 'anarchist'

	2) are actually an apologist of the american state when it
	bullies people 'aka' individuals. 

	Fuck you. 


	Dude, you are a stupid fraud who ignores anything you can

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