US global genocidal policy - Julian Assange interview by RT - Eben Moglen states a position on standing for US President

Александр afalex169 at
Thu Feb 25 03:44:55 PST 2016

> *stand, or be complicit in your acquiescence to the evil.*

​USGovMil are the greatest evil on the planet today.

> *perhaps every little bit we do can speed the process, educate those who
> don't understand what is happening*
> (that's exactly what this post is all about)

We tech people talk far too much. Every part of our "Western" lives is
> pervaded by politics! We cannot escape this simple fact
> (that's the best answer also to the question "what does THAT has to do
> with cypher-punks")

that despots and sociopaths are the only individuals to stand and
> therefore hold the positions of power! Over us! Over the world!
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