[Fwd: Multiple Internets]

Sean Lynch seanl at literati.org
Thu Feb 11 10:35:05 PST 2016

In most of the US i am pretty sure the utility oligopoly has a lock on the
public roads, and I am pretty sure they will not allow anything to be
strung across or under the road.

On Wed, Feb 10, 2016, 20:39 grarpamp <grarpamp at gmail.com> wrote:

> On 2/10/16, Sean Lynch <seanl at literati.org> wrote:
> > Your immediate next door neighbor, yes. But forget crossing a street or
> > wiring the house two doors down if your immediate neighbor doesn't agree.
> Across street requires guerrilla horizontal boring deep enough
> to not be found during complete roadway / utility replacement.
> You can rent the rigs yourself. Or go the permit route.
> First door usually don't mind getting to second if you propose
> path and demonstrate proper shovel / laying technique that
> doesn't fuck up their lawn. Beer helps.
> You can also VPN over incumbents, but that is traffic correlation
> risk.
> > One should definitely use wired links when possible, but this problem is
> > why the telcos and cable companies are able to maintain their local
> > monopolies/oligopolies.
> They do it because property owners ultimately granted ROW in
> return for service, they then paid govt to keep it.
> However, they will have an extremely hard to impossible time
> trying to shoot down new ROW grants over new path by same
> owners for novel new more or less private service.
> All you have to do is sell your service... 'free', 'private',
> and even 'local' are compelling if you spin it right.
> > exchanging files with a local village server using something akin to
> At least for sensitive content,
> that works if the files are encrypted (courier rightly demands this) and
> have specific consumers (pki or shared secret symmetric, otherwise
> courier wouldn't touch them). Though as before, if they're to be of
> global use to everyone, the courier can't know contents, and they
> have to be pluggable so that they become global when plugged.
> > Could do the same thing with attribution-resistant bootleg servers
> planted
> > in stealthy locations.
> USB dead drops... Library Freedom Project... running client/server
> nodes... publicly accessible injection and retrieval points within
> censorship resistant overlay networks...
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