tor promises to be good*

bbrewer bbrewer at
Sat Aug 13 18:05:07 PDT 2016

> On Aug 13, 2016, at 8:54 PM, juan <juan.g71 at> wrote:
> On Sat, 13 Aug 2016 20:22:39 -0400
> bbrewer <bbrewer at> wrote:
>> While both seem to be fucking you in the ass, google isn’t really
>> lying to your face.
> 	Are you kidding?

Not kidding; No one looked to google services for their privacy and protections, no? They subscribe to email, knowing they are read for ‘ads’, and knowing that no doubt, everything is logged and available at whatever ‘official’ request’. They look towards TOR for… almost the opposite. They *are* ‘selling’ protection.

>> Besides, evil is all in the mind of the beholder.
> 	Oh fine. So all these discussions are pretty much meaningless.

Not meaningless at all; however, for *myself* the notion that TOR is screwing people over carries far more weight (and no surprise) than the notion of google screwing people over who were not explicitly seeking said ‘protections’.

*shrug*. Like you said, technology aside on the Micro level, the Macro level design of TOR provides ‘them’ all the protections with none of the liability. How others do not understand this is beyond my ‘scope’, if you will.

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