
juan juan.g71 at
Mon Aug 1 15:43:05 PDT 2016

On Mon, 01 Aug 2016 22:36:15 +0200
rysiek <rysiek at> wrote:

> Hey,
> apparently this is the best way to get the trolls and discourse
> poisoners to come out of the woodwork around here. 

	Look, it's rysiek! Hi rysiek!

	Have you heard the latest news about your beloved tor project?
	Those people are really something eh.

	I think this 'community' of 'cypherpunks' would profit greatly
	by hearing your testimony, praise and explanation of your blind
	trust and faith in the tor supreme humanitarians.


So hell, why not.
> Here's some code, have funzies:
> tl;dr setting up IPsec is a pain in the arse, so by the power of way
> too many lines of Bash it has been made simpler. Comments, pull
> requests, criticism welcome.

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