American/USGovMil intentions

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Sat Apr 9 15:35:41 PDT 2016

Let's hope this one does not come true:

On America's intentions:
An ominous wire report sent a shiver down my spine when I read it. On
January 28, US Army Lieutenant General Sean MacFarland, head of the
US-led coalition against Daesh (ISIL) in Iraq and Syria, said that the
US military was on site at the Mosul Dam to assess “the potential” for
the collapse. Were it to be blown up, it would send a flood of water
down the heavily populated Tigris river valley. “The likelihood of the
dam collapsing is something we are trying to determine right now… all
we know is when it goes, it’s going to go fast and that’s bad,”
MacFarland told reporters in Baghdad. The US State Department
estimates up to 500,000 people could be killed and over one million
rendered homeless should Iraq’s biggest dam collapse.

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