Warrant canaries appear to be usable by large US companies - Reddit in this case

Rayzer Rayzer at riseup.net
Sun Apr 3 08:19:03 PDT 2016

Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> Here and there someone pokes their illogical head up and says "Warrant
> canaries can't work" or "warrant canaries will get you introuble with
> the law" or some variation on the theme. It boggles me fookin marnd,
> it do. Perhaps this story can help massage some of those mental
> tensions...

From what I've read the legal department at reddit isn't really sure
whether it violated the law by killing it's canary.

"Through counter-intelligence it should be possible to pinpoint potential trouble-makers ... And neutralize them, neutralize them, neutralize them"

> https://yro.slashdot.org/story/16/04/01/0321257/reddit-deletes-surveillance-warrant-canary-in-transparency-report
> "Reddit Deletes Surveillance 'Warrant Canary' In Transparency Report
> >From the deductive-reasoning department
> Arthur Dent '99 writes: Today, Reddit deleted wording in its
> transparency report that would normally indicate that they had not
> received any "national security letters" or "other classified requests
> for user information." Such "national security...
> "
> fooking fook!

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