Fwd: Amish man sues government to buy firearm without photo ID

Zenaan Harkness zen at freedbms.net
Fri Oct 30 02:45:14 PDT 2015

One for supporting. In fact, anyone know -how- he could be supported?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Fri, 30 Oct 2015 18:04:57 +1100
Subject: Amish man sues government to buy firearm without photo ID

If Mr. Hertzler wins his lawsuit against the U.S. federal government
it may set an interesting legal precedent for religious Australian's
who want to obtain a gun licence without photo ID.

I believe that any sane, reasonably minded human without a serious
criminal record has a natural law, common law and a human rights to
own and bear guns for recreation, self-defence and protection of their
life, liberty and property. You certainly cannot trust government or
the police to protect you and your loved ones 24/7 against armed


Amish man sues government to buy firearm without photo ID

Amish man sues government to buy firearm without photo ID, claiming
the requirement oppresses his religious freedom

  a.. Amish Andrew Hertzler was refused a gun without photo identification.
  b.. He claims Amish view photographs violation of Second Commandment.
  c.. Hertzler says requirement for photo ID oppresses his religious freedom.
  d.. He's filed lawsuit against government for right to buy gun
without a photo.
Article continues at:

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