Cypherpunks is broken - Welcome to Secret Admirers

Tom tom at
Thu Oct 29 12:15:31 PDT 2015


On Thu, Oct 29, 2015 at 03:41:00PM +0000, Trent Secret Admirers wrote:
> It seems that the original Cypherpunks mailing list degraded into a
> debating society and very little new code is written.

How do you know?

> - The Secret Admirers mailing list (only reachable via Tor).

This is wrong on multiple levels. The most important one being, that I
will not hide for public communications. By going dark you will help
tighten the surveillance state and not fight it. Fighting against this
has to be done in public, otherwise the fight doesn't exist.

> - To become a full member of Secret Admirers you have to go through 
>   the application process (see below).

Who set those rules? And why?

>   Members are expected to communicate in a civilized manner

Ah, yet another "code of conduct"? Fuck it!

> - Followers get the same benefits as full members except voting rights
>   and bringing in followers.

"Followers" as in sect members?

>   If members stop being productive they risk loosing thei membership

And of course there's a process in place to handle cases where members
are ill, in holiday, jailed or whatever. 

> - Members who do not follow the rules will be ejected.

What kind of mailing list does this?

I call bullshit.

- Tom

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