Cypherpunks is broken - Welcome to Secret Admirers

Razer Rayzer at
Thu Oct 29 12:54:30 PDT 2015

On 10/29/2015 10:58 AM, John Young channels Neal Cassidy (or his BF
Allen Ginsberg):
> A small number of geezers continue to write
> code, that is hire kids to do that, but mostly consult to crypto
> cretinous corporations, suckle on NGO-tit extortions, deliver
> commodious farts on the speaker circuit, the best and brightest
> take long naps, buy weekly, monthly, yearly lap dances, search
> Google for their names, spit and shit blood, shed hair and flesh,
> burst into episodes of cackling obscure hashes in elliptic
> circles. Eyes and minds dim and flicker, maws whimper,
> broken teeth and code pukes down shirt fronts, dapper
> David Kahn dances into darkening visions of splendid
> failure, crooning No Such Agency to the solo female
> cpunk whose name is legend.

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