Shiny stuff and designer societies

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Wed Oct 28 15:15:17 PDT 2015

On 10/28/15, nonomos <nonomos at> wrote:
> Am I the only one who gets an automatic grin on his face when he/she
> sees Juan posted something?

It is enjoyable when folks speak their mind. As in, really speak their
mind. And with Juan it's a really good opportunity to practice
ignoring the occasional sharp edge and hear what he's actually saying.

For some strange reason today when reading his comments my head
started spontaneously nodding, eyes squinted and a faint "mm hmmm"
came from somewhere in the room - and I was the only one within 500m.
I've been infected.

I still feel there might be a less confronting way to communicate his
political anarchist foundations, but that's the job of pioneers -
Juan's the true vision keeper/ trail blazer, and they come before
pioneers and need a hard head.

Doc: What's wrong?
Patient: I think I've god JDD.
P: Juan Deficit Disorder.
D: Come on, don't waste my time, what's wrong?
P: It's the world. The world has JDD but doesn't know it.
D: You might need a different kind of doctor.
P: The whole world does.
D: Hard to disagree there...

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