Getting embarrassing - Syria, the long haul

Shelley shelley at
Wed Oct 28 18:51:13 PDT 2015

On October 28, 2015 6:15:39 PM Zenaan Harkness <zen at> wrote:

> This is getting embarrassing for "the West" - the so called moral high
> ground of the West, never existed. Even Hiroshima and Nagasaki were
> bombed -after- Japan had surrendered, just that America insisted on
> humiliation of unconditional surrender.

You're absolutely right.  We USians (or Americunts, as Juan says, which 
always makes me laugh in agreement), only have propaganda "textbooks" in 
school.  It's not unless/until we are fortunate enough to stumble upon 
Howard Zinn's books or develop critical thinking skills, despite their best 
efforts at indoctrination, that we truly see.

> "
> In 1957, it was PG-13 “border clashes”. Now we have “government
> chemical weapons attacks against orphans”
> "
> I wonder where our CIA apologists are now ...
> Z

I'm not sure how seriously to take Russia-insider as I haven't looked into 
it enough, but this would hardly be surprising.  They were still on a roll 
from taking out the democratically elected leader of Iran, Mossadeq, in 
1953.  How many years was it before this was common knowledge?

It's despicable.  Now, as then.

(I don't often comment on politics.  Feeling sassy tonight, I guess.  Heh.)


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