list sans smtp spillage

Ulex Europae europus at
Tue Oct 27 04:59:07 PDT 2015

At 09:25 PM 10/26/2015, Cari Machet wrote:

>I do agree with steve that the use of the word fuck is a 
>exploitation or degradation of sex/love which is not that great

Fuck that.

Now, did I say something exploitative or degrading about sex/love
or was it merely a coarse rejection of a notional assertion?

>The dutch stated using fuck was degrading to love
>The new yorker stated using cunt was degrading to women
>The dutch said degrading love was far worse than degrading women

Word meanings change over time. To not acknowledge and take this
into consideration reveals an agenda.

Watch while I now make some vacuous claim about something else:

<insert vacuous claim here>


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