mailing list etiquette violators list

Shelley shelley at
Mon Oct 26 00:20:53 PDT 2015

On October 26, 2015 12:10:01 AM Tom <tom at> wrote:

> On Sun, Oct 25, 2015 at 11:08:24AM -0700, Stephen D. Williams wrote:
> >    Who doesn't use Thunderbird anyway?  Everything else is broken and
> >    unprofessional.  (Your script doesn't rank flamebait yet... ;-) )
> This is how your mail looks in mutt:
> As you can see, not everyone is using Thunderbird, in fact most people
> use Outlook anyway . And there *are* indeed people on this planet who
> still read mails on the console.
> Also take note that it is easier to read text in smaller columns than if
> it is as wide as the whole monitor. That's the reason news papers print
> text in columns and not as 60cm wide articles.
> - Tom

Nice screenshot & reminder of newsprint columns.  (Truly; not meant to be 

But M$ Outlook?  Not even on a bet. Heh.

In all seriousness, am I the only person who uses a mobile device to access 
email for .75 of my day?  I don't want to endlessly scroll across or pinch 
& zoom my email.


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