Wikileaks Cryptome search/files

Michael Best themikebest at
Tue Oct 20 06:11:47 PDT 2015

While examining the, I took a look at their version
of the donations page <> and
noticed that it seems to come from the June 2, 2014 release* which was
released via TOR and torrents over a year ago.

*Cryptome Archive USB.* The USB will contain the Cryptome archive of over
> 71,500 files for the period from June 1996 to 2 June 2014. Donation of $100
> is requested. The USB will be shipped worldwide. Email a shipping address
> to cryptome[at]

It also references Cryptome's old kickstarter.

Does this mean that Wikileaks is hosting some of the files (older than June
2, 2014?) and using a redirect for newer files?

*The awstats which were included in that release don't show up in the
search through Wikileaks, but interestingly a few now deleted tweets from
Cryptome do. They may be storing some of the tweets.
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