How To Survive The "Deep State"

Razer Rayzer at
Sat Oct 17 11:25:34 PDT 2015

On 10/17/2015 06:15 AM, Zenaan Harkness quoted a commenter @ZeroHedge:
> "Fuck how to "survive" the deep state! Tell me how to destroy the motherfucker!

Be a cancer in it's organism... You won't be if you invest in the stock
market according to Lehman Bros, or Zero Hedge, or for that matter
Cruise Missile Marxist Doug Henwood of Left Business Observer/[LBO-Talk]

Just a note that ZH, and almost ANY financial interest site is NOT a
revolutionary site, and ZH is QUITE right wing libertarian.

I doubt I'd like the solution the commenter above had in mind after the
Deep State's destruction.


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