USA government debt ceiling

Cari Machet carimachet at
Thu Oct 15 02:55:56 PDT 2015

Yes reading econ is a super horror ... i have to go back and read naomi
klein to get equalibrium ... and think about shit that is happening on the
ground despite the parasitic cannibal mafia that pretends to be government

Towns even have their own currencies so it could be even more facsistic
than it is currently

The US has been buidling the present global econ structure for a long long
time and unfortunately when i have tried to talk people out of the system
... like in the middle east ... out of trying to assymilate to the current
rating system etc they just are baffled i ask them to make their own system
... they dont think on these terms because the US has indocrinated everyone
with hegemony for their own benefit its a horror and sick people could have
many more criteria for rating etc change the system... especially the
rating system it is complete mafia
On Oct 14, 2015 9:48 PM, "Juan" <juan.g71 at> wrote:

> On Wed, 14 Oct 2015 19:28:48 +0300
> Cari Machet <carimachet at> wrote:
> >
>         that article is 100% americunt fascist bullshit.
>         "The Bottom Line : this type of economic arrangement is actually
>         a win-win for both nations. "
>         translation : the arrangement benefits both GOVERNMENTS and
>         screws the serfs.
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