How to minimize one's damage in case the usa kicks the bucket?

Douglas Lucas dal at
Wed Oct 14 16:57:58 PDT 2015

On 10/11/2015 08:02 PM, Zenaan Harkness wrote:
> On 10/11/15, Douglas Lucas <dal at> wrote:
>> Reviving this thread. Where's the altruism in "how to minimize one's
>> damage"? Why's the model here for resisting economic oppression a
>> survivalist hiding in an encrypted bunker, rather than the people of
>> Burkina Faso using sticks and rocks (not cryptography) to force
>> oligarchs out of their country? In Mexico they were recently burning
>> polling stations, but we were discussing hoarding Bitcoin to ensure our
>> self-interest? Where's the idealism in such selfishness?
> Basically I agree, please feel free to make suggestions :)

There are specific ops I could promote (#OpDeathEaters, for example),
but I think maybe this question should be answered in a more general
way. And I think what we should often do is, help the victims of
whichever injustice attain the goals they're trying to reach. In other
words, let the victims choose and lead toward the objectives. So, to
take a current example, Doctors Without Borders, having had their Kunduz
hospital just bombed, wants an IHFFC investigation. How can we help with
that? And so on for other injustices. A caveat being that most people,
in the US anyway, can't think outside the box of capitalism, but trying
to reform capitalism isn't the answer.

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