Rabblerabblerabble! Enough rabble rousing about rabble rousing AKA STOP JTRIGing YOURSELVES

Michael Best themikebest at gmail.com
Mon Oct 12 11:34:56 PDT 2015

Whatever you think of my motives, what's done is done and all that's left
is to discuss the data and the slide. If ya'll wanna keep talking about me
instead, I'm flattered that you think I'm so interesting but someone should
probably setup a separate list for that. It's drowning out any chance for
real discussion in the list, not just about the GCHQ slide but about
anything else.

Put those big beautiful brains of yours to work on the slide and other
cypherpunk issues - but *I* am not one of them, AFAIK.

I have a few more people I want to hear from on the slide issue, but I
welcome actual constructive criticism, comments or technical input, whether
for or against. Stay away from sentiments like "we can't figure that out!"
You're better than that, I think, and when you reach your limits you know
which experts to ping.

Let's get away from witch hunts and troll bait.

--Mike, who is not a troll but actually Shrek's less funny cousin
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