Why cryptome sold web logs to their paying customers?

Seth list at sysfu.com
Mon Oct 12 07:39:08 PDT 2015

On Mon, 12 Oct 2015 05:20:10 -0700, Michael Best <themikebest at gmail.com>  

> Just found  
> http://comptutor.me/2015/04/03/bulletproof-offshore-hosting-and-servers/
> Has anyone on the list had any experience with any of these "Anonymous,  
> Bulletproof, and Offshore Hosting Providers"? Obviously 'bulletproof' is  
> marketing hype, but...
>>>> This is a list of Anonymous, Bulletproof, and Offshore Hosting  
>>>> Providers.
>> Links marked with an asterisk are hosts that accept Bitcoin.
>> The list is in no particular order.
>> https://www.orangewebsite.com *
>> https://www.1984hosting.com
A few years ago I used 1984hosting.com shared hosting for a year and  

They are committed to using free software throughout, for example their  
web panel used ispCP if I remember correctly, and their support was  
competent and responsive.

I've heard that their VPS offering is the better product offering but at a  
$25/mo starting price, I decided that to look elsewhere for a personal  
micro-VPS to run a very light duty mail,web dns server etc.

I believe that Orangewebsite resells 1984.is infrastructure services.
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