Nominee officers and directors (was: Why cryptome sold web logs...)

wirelesswarrior at wirelesswarrior at
Sun Oct 11 15:50:22 PDT 2015

Despite almost two decades of cypherpunk activity I cannot fathom why U.S. residents operate sites clearly in the cross-hairs of intel agencies. Have they never heard of non-resident nominee officers and directors? All U.S. resident people dealing with the site should be bona fide contractors so they aren't subject to either receiving or implementing court orders or NSLs.

-------- Original Message --------
From: bbrewer <bbrewer at>
Apparently from: cypherpunks-bounces at
To: Michael Best <themikebest at>
Cc: cpunks <cypherpunks at>, cryptome <cryptome at>
Subject: Re: [cryptome] Re: Why cryptome sold web logs to their payingcustomers?
Date: Sun, 11 Oct 2015 16:30:00 -0400

> > On Oct 11, 2015, at 4:22 PM, Michael Best <themikebest at> wrote:
> > 
> > Anyway to rule this out other than hearing it from John? How long before we begin to seriously consider it or assume it? 
> > 
> > And if there was a NSL, why not shut down? Why put users at ongoing risk?? 
> "Levison said that he could be arrested for closing the site instead of releasing the information, and it was reported that the federal prosecutor's office had sent Levison's lawyer an e-mail to that effect.”
> I’m just blabbering on suppositions here, but I wouldn’t be surprised by… anything.
> -benjamin

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