Why cryptome sold web logs to their paying customers?

Razer Rayzer at riseup.net
Sat Oct 10 13:28:27 PDT 2015

On 10/10/2015 12:44 PM, Shelley wrote:
> You don't take the permission to upload the same information JY
> allowed to be uploaded to public torrents as implied permission to
> post the *same* files on archive.org? 

In mho? Nope.

The Cabale News Service audio files I uploaded to IA were available for
download and streaming... even redistribution... but not redistribution
for commercial purposes. I say Best's name's appearance in DailyDot or
any other media constitutes an ongoing for-profit commercial motivation
as redistributor.

In one incident at IA that's not exactly the same, but similar enough
for example, they .htmlaccess-ed-into-obilvion the BeeMp3 website's
ability to crib the Cabale episodes and display download links to the
files on pages with advertising, (and Beemp3 didn't even bother to post
the Creative Commons info).

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