The GCHQ Cryptome slide could be a mockup/disinfo

Georgi Guninski guninski at
Fri Oct 9 06:49:45 PDT 2015

On Fri, Oct 09, 2015 at 09:00:35AM -0400, Steve Kinney wrote:
> And all because somebody got bent out of shape over comments made
> re attempting to challenge the attribution of a "leaked" document?
>  That amounts to less than an ant fart in a tornado, in context?
> Lest we forget, the original PRISM slides were, at minimum,
> heavily altered by the Guardian and/or Post.  Everyone who was
> paying any real attention at the time knows it.  No firestorm of
> controversy followed.
> shopped.html
> ... although it did influence my own early conclusions about the
> Snowden Affair, which have evolved a bit in response to subsequent
> events.  Even so, I'm not the least embarrassed by any mistakes I
> may have made:
> und-leaked-prism-documents-authenticity
> :o)

Have you ever thought who profits from JYA selling already sniffed logs
and someone fabricating a GCHQ slide?

If Snowden is just fabricater/photoshoper why wikipedia claims:

Criminal charge 	Theft of government property, unauthorized
communication of national defense information, and willful communication
of classified intelligence to an unauthorized person (June 2013).

Why they don't charge Snowden for fabricating/photoshoping?

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