Cryptome admits they leaked their logs (WAS: [cryptome] Cryptome has been leaking its user logs for over a year)

Michael Best themikebest at
Fri Oct 9 13:32:58 PDT 2015

I feel obligated to clarify. Cryptome has said ""Admission of leaked logs"
is rather generously overstated of what we specifically understated."
and "Rigged
and disinfo remain valid. You overstated the disclosure. Leaking is press

Not sure how I was right AND the info is rigged and disinfo...

On Fri, Oct 9, 2015 at 1:51 PM, Michael Best <themikebest at> wrote:

> Most up to date version:
> Before reading this, I recommend reading my first post raising concerns
> that the alleged GCHQ Cryptome slide from could be a mockup
> <>,
> followed by my disclosure of Cryptome's leaked user logs
> <>.
> After refusing to comment
> <>,
> denying it, accusing it of being disinfo
> <>,
> accusing me of stealing data
> <>,
> accusing me of being a newbie advertising for a spy job
> <>,
> declaring that it was "a campaign" against them
> <>,
> accusing me of faking data
> <>,
> declaring that all logs leak and they pay for the internet
> <>,
> and deleting my post
> <> to the
> Cryptome mailing list
> <> alerting
> them to the leak, Cryptome has acknowledged that the leaked logs I found
> were legitimate. John Young/Cryptome then thanked me, which is apology
> enough for all the accusations.
> Date: Fri, 09 Oct 2015 11:54:05 -0400
> To: Michael Best
> From: John Young
> Subject: Cartome AWStats
> *You were right about AWStats data. Not the stats for Cryptome itself but
> for the Cartome sub-directory, for four months, November 2009-February
> 2010. Included in a full site restoration by ISP NetSol after a full
> shutdown in June 2013.The stats have been deleted from the Cryptome
> archive. Probably best to not expose visitors' data further but then
> nothing can be fully deleted or hidden.Thanks for discovering and reporting
> in this.Publish this message if you like.Regards,John*
> Immediately after receiving his email, I deleted the stat files from my
> website. They were only published to force verification and public
> disclosure about the leak. Now that it has been acknowledged, there's no
> point in continuing to distribute them. If John provides a new
> cryptographically signed Cryptome archive file without those logs, I will
> replace the one hosted on with the new, sanitized version. Note
> that .7z may be best to prevent the archive's deriving process (it makes
> individual files within the zip viewable) from making changes to the .zip
> file which can cause it to no longer match the hash/cryptographic signature.
> What does this mean for the slide that seems to show GCHQ spying on
> According to John Young's email, the leak is limited to the Cartome
> sub-directory which would not include the Eyeball directory. However, the
> time frame matches up perfectly and does include the time period the slide
> appears to show. Determining whether or not the leak ever included the
> Eyeball directory, and why NetSol's glitch only restored those four months
> of the Cartome's stats to the Cryptome archive while trying to view a
> random selection of the leaked files on the online server failed, requires
> more information from NetSol, Cryptome's ISP. Inquiring about those details
> from NetSol and disclosing them falls entirely to John Young and Deborah
> Natsios. Presumably, John Young would have disclosed if a similar leak had
> been found relating to the Eyeball directory, but it remains possible that
> the information might have been deleted from the Cryptome archive prior
> to 2014-06-02
> <> without
> John realizing it had already leaked. More information will be required
> before those possibilities can be excluded.
> As of the time of this posting (13:45 Eastern October 9, 2015), John Young
> has not added anything to his website, twitter account, or mailing lists
> disclosing the now confirmed leak to his users. He did remove the graphic
> advising his users that the GCHQ was/is allegedly monitoring them.
> <>
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