juan's vision of free market WAS Snowden on the Twitters

rysiek rysiek at hackerspace.pl
Thu Oct 8 09:15:59 PDT 2015

Dnia środa, 7 października 2015 09:53:09 Razer pisze:
> > Ah, so the assumption is: "had there been no regulation, we would not get
> > monopolies"?
> > 
> > Am I getting that right?
> Without regulation you OWN your OWN 'monopoly' in whatever you
> accumulate and so does everyone else.
> The Hunts cornered the silver market in a REGULATED market, which, for
> economic reasons better left to others to explain, cause the price of
> silver to decline dramatically and then stabilize and stay at that level
> for years .
> In a free market they'd just be sitting on a bunch of silver they
> couldn't sell and anyone else with silver would go on trading with
> others on a more equilateral basis.

What if they *owned* all silver? For instance, by buying out all competition?

> Of course I'm making the assumption that really free markets can only
> exist in fully decentralized societies that would eschew centralized
> trading AND the middlemen necessary for it's operation.

Can we assume that there was a time in the history of humankind (very, very 
early on) when this was the case? Or is that assumption to strong?

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

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