The GCHQ Cryptome slide could be a mockup/disinfo

Michael Best themikebest at
Thu Oct 8 08:51:08 PDT 2015

I found the logs on the USB before I posted about the GCHQ slide, that's
how I found the info. I verified that the data was also in coderman's
torrent from over a year ago. John rebuffed my initial inquiry and refused
to verify that the IPs I provided visited Cryptome at the times listed, and
then accused me of faking the data. So I released it for others to look at

As far as calling Snowden a liar, as I said in note #4 of the GCHQ post...

If the slide is a mockup, it could be an internal mockup produced by GCHQ,
> a deliberate piece of disinformation from within or without GCHQ, a
> document altered by Snowden, his friends/"friends" in Russia, or anyone
> else in the chain of custody. *Given that Snowden didn't review all of
> the documents he handed over, he might not recognize if one had been
> altered, embellished, forged, or taken out of context prior to publication.*
> Or it could be genuine - proving that something could be a fake isn't quite
> the same as proving it's a fake.

Italics added.

On Thu, Oct 8, 2015 at 11:37 AM, Georgi Guninski <guninski at>

> On Fri, Oct 02, 2015 at 10:23:12PM -0400, Michael Best wrote:
> > A few days ago, a new Snowden slide
> > <
> >
> > was
> > released that appeared to show that the GCHQ was monitoring Cryptome in
> Dude, are you calling Snowden liar?
> And did you found out that allegedly cryptome shipped their web logs on
> usbs to buyers AFTER you called Snowden liar?
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