Sometimes Putin is a little bit cruel.

Razer Rayzer at
Mon Oct 5 10:27:31 PDT 2015

On 10/05/2015 02:26 AM, rysiek wrote:
> I wonder what would Putin say about the difference between Chechen "turhrists" 
> and Donbas "freedom fighters"...
I know what Porter Goss would say about the Chechens:

> “I can tell you that there is a role in my mind, a proper role, for
> covert action to continue. And I would not call it ‘paramilitary’. I
> would call it ‘pure covert action’. And that would be things happening
> to the benefit of national security that just seem to happen. And
> there is not an American flag on them. And if somebody came to the
> President of the United States, he would be able to say, ‘I don’t know
> what you’re talking about.’”

~Porter Goss, former director of the CIA, Ship of Spies, BBC Radio 4, 15
January 2011

In case you’re wondering WHY so many Chechens are in the United States...

Tagged: #DirtyWars

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