How to minimize one's damage in case the usa kicks the bucket?

Zenaan Harkness zen at
Mon Oct 5 02:43:16 PDT 2015

On 10/5/15, Georgi Guninski <guninski at> wrote:
> The financial situation in the usa is quite grave.

And their attempt to bomb USA-controlled gas and oil pipelines through
Afganistan, Turkey and Syria, are now a no go, evidently. So we can be
pretty sure the USA banking ponzi is close to resetting (the
diplomatic way to say collapsing), as happened in the Great
Depression/ 1929.

> Assume very severe financial crisis hits the usa relatively soon causing
> hyperinflation there and possibly in other countries.
> I am interested:  How to minimize one's damage in this situation?
> Some suspicions: Banks/exchanges are known Ponzi schemes, so how much
> the banking system will remain intact is unclear to me.
> Some possibilities
> real estate outside usa
> gold (is gold certificate secure enough?)
> bitcoins (some people got burnt, security of bitcoins not clear to me)
> ???

Real estate outside your present country, gold stash and bitcoins etc
just don't make sense to me. Property? Buy a farm with plenty of water
storage on it - get out of the city if you think prepping will be
important - stash some simple dry food (eg a tonne of mixed rice and
lentils, so you can even feed your neighbours for a year) and make
sure you have water and access to wood for boiling the water and
cooking the food, and at least you will survive.

There are plenty of websites promoting 'hard core' prepping. For a
historical perspective, check out what happened in 1929 and

Good luck,

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