Snowden on the Twitters

rysiek rysiek at
Sun Oct 4 04:04:24 PDT 2015

Dnia piątek, 2 października 2015 17:00:42 Juan pisze:
> 	You know, the first requirement to win an argument is to pick
> 	the right side. And statism isn't the right side of the
> 	argument.

I am not arguing for nor against statism. I am voiving my opinion that 
regardless of how we call it, there *will* be structure/hierarchy sooner or 
later in any "sociely" you want to build.

> 	re : 'division of power' - the incentives for people who have
> 	power lead them to COOPERATE to maintain or gain more power, not
> 	to 'check' each other's power. ABC of economics.

Cool, show me a better, more workable model, and I'm happy to roll with it.

> > etc)
> > and build upon them or try implementing them in a more functional
> > way, or... go the "ignore it altogether" route, end up reinventing
> > the wheel, and arriving at a not-all- that-functional variation of it.
> 	So, you are willing to 'cooperate' with the current criminals
> 	and justify them while accusing a bunch of anarchist of 'maybe'
> 	doing something that goes against their principles?

Who said anything about cooperation? I was merely remarking that inevitably 
one way or the other we will land in a state-like organisation. Not saying 
it's good.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

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