Russia bans purchase of foreign non-niche software in Russian state agencies

juan juan.g71 at
Sun Nov 22 14:15:32 PST 2015

On Sun, 22 Nov 2015 16:17:28 -0500
Steve Kinney <admin at> wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 11/22/2015 12:44 PM, Anton Nesterov wrote:
> [... ]
> > Well currently Russia has many problems with transparent
> > spending. Even if tenders are public, it's still problematic to
> > cancel clearly corrupt tenders. They often build it in such way
> > that only one affiliated company can participate, like "company
> > should had at least N workers, with N workers with Z
> > certificates" and so on.
> That's the way both military and commercial contracting usually
> works in the U.S. as well: 

	That is terrorist talk and won't do us any good. There's no
	corruption in the liberal democracies. How could the people,
	who are in charge, cheat themselves? That's absurd. 

> The vendor makes a deal with the
> purchasing agent, x units for y dollars, informally and off the
> record.  Then the purchasing agent revises the specification so
> that only the vendor in question can qualify.  The competitive
> bidding process then proceeds normally, on the record, and as far
> as the audit trail is concerned it's all perfectly legal.
> The kickbacks are laundered in various ways; the most popular
> method for military purchasing agents is for the vendors to hire
> them as consultants when they leave the service, with
> extraordinary pay and bonuses for little to no work performed.
> Lots of other scams are also used, but the system described above
> is probably the most widely used.
> :o)
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> =tlAl

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