[tor-talk] Bear Bonds - a new cryptocurrency that uses Tor

grarpamp grarpamp at gmail.com
Fri Nov 13 00:23:50 PST 2015

On Thu, Nov 12, 2015 at 8:52 PM,  <allen at bearbonds.org> wrote:
> I'm involved in a project to create a new cryptocurrency called Bear
> Bonds(TM).
> One of the notable features for the Tor community is that all communication
> is via Tor using Tor hidden services.  This includes communication between
> users and the network, and all communication between network nodes.  Tor is
> used for both privacy and security.  In particular, since the users are
> anonymized, it prevents a node on the network from attempting to send
> targeting information to a certain user or group of users.
> If Bear Bonds is successful, we of course plan to give extensive support
> back to the Tor community.
> We have a whitepaper, technical documentation and a technology preview
> software release on our website at https://www.bearbonds.org.  The code is
> over 80% complete and we are working to finish it as quickly as possible.
> Please feel free read the documentation and try out the wallet simulation
> script.  We welcome any comments and questions.
> Thank you,
> Allen
> http://www.metzdowd.com/pipermail/cryptography/2015-November/027092.html

An admittedly very brief reading, site verbage, including trademark,
patent and copyright claims leaves question as to commitment to
fully decentralized p2p model and opensource. If true, you might find
quite limited interest here and more interest by banks, govts, and
commercial. If untrue and misread, please address.

And details on "directory servers", "witnesses", "trusted party
transaction servers".

What is your .onion?
What networks besides Tor do you have as pluggable
(or even multihome) options for when Tor is or becomes
incapacitated or unreachable or users simply prefer other?

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