UK To Ban Crypto In Devices, Email And More

Tomas Overdrive Petru tpetru at
Tue Nov 10 00:07:57 PST 2015

On 10.11.15 7:29, grarpamp wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 9, 2015 at 5:51 PM, Tomas Overdrive Petru <tpetru at> wrote:
>> Thinking about connotations of crypto that could be backdoored as
>> protection against terrorism or some similar stupid rhetoric:
>> - so every sysop will now return to telnet
> Doesn't apply to govt sysops. Notice how the rhetoric is
> also not directed at businesses internally (they're partners),
> only to what end users are using.
>> - all banks are going to send money over telegraph in pure morse code,
> No, they're protected crony class.
>> same apply for telco operators - no GSM encryption
> As are telcos, and GSM is moot, they have the voice anyway.
>> ... no no... I meant it for ordinary people only.
>> Hmm, and who exactly is that ordinary man or woman? Somebody who do not
>> have web page, bank account, never used cell phone?
> Yes, because they have free time to think,
> beyond work (taxes) and TV (programming).
>> How somebody could logically ban something that we all are using everyday?
> Ever hear of book burning? Censorship? Murder? Theft? Etc?
> It's really popular with out of control govt and corp entities.
>> And one last point that can help as to prove whole nonsense: do we want
>> to give our imaginary terrorist power to read complete communication of
>> all of us "ordinary people"?
> The people are not their real targets, only pawns, thus they don't care
> to read their stuff. They're also often not really enemies of each other.
>> IMHO during 2WW there was logic: not to tell enemy single word. So lets
>> reverse this anti-terrorist "logic": We need strong cryptography in
>> public domain just to protect us ordinary people against potential
>> terrorist spying.
> True, but it's not going to fly as an argument, because
> the govt will just tell you that's not your role, *they* will
> protect you from everything, now to go back to your TV.
> There's an invite-only cabal of
> oligarchic dynastic old cronies in place in governments
> and mega corporations. Yes, the occaisional motivated
> group of attackers "terrists" can cause them and the
> populace temporary / containable harm (911 was a joke,
> the US should have just rebuilt the buildings identically
> as a "fuck you" and moved on, but instead its govt...).
> Anyway, what they really fear is that the populace as a
> whole will wake up and rise up against their needless
> structure, excess, and quiet enslavement. The real reason
> they want to spy is to see, regarding them, what you're
> thinking and up to, so they can head you off and remain
> in power. This is exactly what all governments in history
> have done, and the end is showing no signs of being
> any different. Just more and more power, all to them,
> none for you, until... invasion or revolt.
> Pretty sad eh?

This debate is little bit over edge because of its explicitly political.
Thing is that I do not believe that in democratic country government is
something more or other than ordinary people [in totalitarianism country
it is little bit different because than government is usually bunch of
mass murders].
What is my point? Discussion and strong arguments even smart propaganda
can change a lot.
I've met our first democratic president Vaclav Havel and I tend to meet
politics during or ofter some civic actions, I have right to care and
right to discuss things with politics. I could even be one of them and
there are just people.
They do not know, they do not understand, they are afraid of ask... as
most or all of us.

We already know that governments will not disappear. That idea is
strongly decentralized and have a lot of side control mechanisms. So we
should count with government same as criminality, drugs, police,
military or violence against woman. It is just here and we should be
prepared not to attack [to read about German RAF could be interesting,
because terrorist managed to be government for some time, or at least
change its decisions, but do we really pour oil in fire of brutality,
is  that really needed?].

So think about governments as about "ordinary people" most of em' will
never be able to sign their email and most of them never used ssh. That
is part of our work, to show them why my argument *fly*, how much
cryptography is needed to have at least some way stable society without
basic holes. I do not care about *system* anymore I care about society
and I do love word citizen. That is what my parents where fighting for
during velvet revolution.

- Over

“Borders I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people.”        
  ―     Thor Heyerdahl 

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