[FORGED] Re: [FORGED] Re: UK To Ban Crypto In Devices, Email And More

Tomas Overdrive Petru tpetru at gmail.com
Mon Nov 9 13:41:16 PST 2015

On 08/11/15 08:40, Peter Gutmann wrote:
>> oshwm <oshwm at openmailbox.org> writes:
>>> Can GPG be easier to use, I think so, is it too difficult to use by ordinary
>>> people - no, they're just too fucking lazy and lack motivation.
>> ... and this is pretty much the poster child for why we have so much unusable
>> crypto today.
> Or, why we have such a fucking retarded human race with the attention
> span of a knat who expect everything to be given to them on a plate.
> People have to stop being lazy and start taking an interest and
> responsibility for what goes on in the world around them - your point of
> view re-inforces the dumbing down of the population and the increase in
> power of the Government and big Corps.
>> Peter.

Really? So what is purpose of this thread if I can ask? To complain that
ordinary people are sheep?
Whata new approach whata invention.
What do you expect? Why people are so easily pressed and tend to follow
dictators? Why somebody even tend to be solider or why people do eat
meet when it is not necessary.
I know there will be a lot of chain of arguing against controversy of
eating meet now.
Please fck this. We already know, that most of people will never care
about crypto without our help.
I feel mood on this thread as mood of angry barking dog but pretty
toothless. We are not.
We can teach, script and just do it better and without extreme barriers
for people to adopt crypto seamlessly.
We do not need to have it perfect, same as robots are not perfect when
driving. It is just enough to be better than average.
Telegram is step [however crypto is implemented], Open Whisper Systems
is doing huge amount of work.
No reason of this half bitter and half angry tone.
Now it could be right time to stand against nonsense regulation again.
It happened already in time of PIPA, SOPA...
So lets bark on right target not to "ordinary people".


“Borders I have never seen one. But I have heard they exist in the minds of some people.”        
  ―     Thor Heyerdahl 

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