Value of Earth Human Life: Will Microsoft Interfere with Ethereum?

grarpamp grarpamp at
Tue Nov 3 21:42:02 PST 2015

On Tue, Nov 3, 2015 at 5:06 PM, jim bell <jdb10987 at> wrote:
> Excuse me for top-posting, but it is my message I'm doing it to, here.  I

An aside, you may want to consider setting you mailer to
send only "plain text" mail instead of "HTML" or "both".

> wanted to add an additional comment.  I take back nothing I said about the
> Supreme Court case Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969), the case that ruled that it
> was protected-speech to advocate criminal, even violent activity, except in
> case of imminent action.  (Say, in a riot.)
> However, I should point out that...

Comments in law are always well received as too many people
are unaware of law in general.

> and are available to potential predictors.  Anonymous?  Ideally, so that

Interesting in that the level of anonymity desired by makers and
takers may shift as any particular campaign progresses. For
example, by those thinking they will win out at the end and be
viewed as heroes and leaders (all too human concepts) after the fray.
Why indeed in history... all successful revolutions have profitable
byproducts for their makers, and for the quashers of failed ones.

> markets".  In effect, Microsoft might be buying contol of Ethereum, and then
> using that influence against the development of this vital technology.

There is no obligation upon anyone to sell, and to those who
sellout against their first stated ethos, or were in it falsely from
the start, fuck them.

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