The BlackList

Juan juan.g71 at
Sun Nov 1 00:30:25 PDT 2015

On Sun, 1 Nov 2015 00:06:08 -0700
coderman <coderman at> wrote:

> On 10/31/15, Juan <juan.g71 at> wrote:
> > ...
> > 	Now, that *might* work for relatively easy targets. Say,
> > 	ordinary cops and soldiers. But what if some more important
> > 	targets, say a couple of pentagon's 'generals' end up on the
> > 	list? Who's going to finish them off?
> this is exactly the beauty of AP: when a nation sized crowd gets
> pissed, not even the shield of nation state power can protect you!
> in other words, APs solution is to ramp the incentive sky high,
>  and let nature find a way...

	Yes, you just confirmed what I consider a correct guess on
	my part.

	There isn't much proof that 'enough incentives' will get the job
	done. You just restated a baseless assertion. 

	"ramp the incentive sky high" 
	I call bullshit. 

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