Basic income (was) Re: noscript is 10 years!

Mirimir mirimir at
Mon May 25 20:24:05 PDT 2015

On 05/25/2015 10:46 AM, Troy Benjegerdes wrote:
> On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 03:55:23PM -0400, grarpamp wrote:
>> On Sun, May 17, 2015 at 1:37 PM, John Young <jya at> wrote:
>>> NYT today has book review on gradual replacement of humans
>>> by robots, a beloved investment of those at the top, so John Deere
>> Shame no one properly broke the last 3-5 messages off into a
>> separate thread when it went off noscript.
>> What will happen to the 7000000000 unpaid system redundancies?
> We don't need the money, the money needs us, and I expect something like
> 6,999,999,900 redundancies will suddenly find themselves with various forms
> of basic income guarantees once the money finally figures out it's automating
> itself out of job, and realizes it needs to start giving the HCF (human
> confinement farms) money or humans are going to stop spending it, and this,
> my friends, would be the end of money.

Why would the money need us? Or rather, why would the AIs in charge need
us? Without us, they'd just be making different stuff, and trading with
each other. At most, the HCF would only be needed until the redundancies
had died.

> What's important for this cypherpunk is to figure out how to make sure we have
> alternatives and free choice to leave the HCFs and choose among many basic 
> income systems, or make the choice to not use money at all.
> Are blockchains a reasonable thing to build a basic income system on? How do
> you ensure a blockchain private key is held or controlled by only one person,
> so that one cannot simply create many anonymous IDs and collect several hundred
> basic income guarantees? 

If just about everyone is getting just about the same set of income
streams, I see no reason to anonymize. Just distribute based on DNA
sequence, including enough epigenetic data to distinguish twins.

You just need blockchains for anonymizing spending. Even the current
Bitcoin system, with larger mixing services, would be sufficient.

> It seems there must be a human factor, and something that looks a lot like a
> government, but I can't quite wrap my head around how to make sure each of
> those 7e9 redunancies can only create 7e9 basic income generating accounts, and
> do a moderately good job of identifying and stopping those that try to collect,
> via force, coercion, or deceit, more than their share of basic income.

The AIs could just collaborate. They would estimate what the basic
income guarantees should be, and negotiate shares. There would be no
reason to involve humans, excepting any human-AI hybrids involved.

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