Cypherpunk Politics [was: REAL-ID Coming]

rysiek rysiek at
Tue Mar 3 16:39:27 PST 2015

Dnia wtorek, 3 marca 2015 17:41:14 grarpamp pisze:
> > There might, or might not, be hackers among us who are trying to hack on
> > policy level. But those hackers, if they indeed are following (or maybe
> > even taking part in) the discussions here, might not want to come out
> > with such information, as the level of hostility towards any persons or
> > organisations that can be painted as "working with The Man" or "taking
> > the Man's money" is too damn high™.
> Who cares, that's up to the cpunk. If the cypherpunk is pure, working
> with the man to get cpunk shit done is just another hacking skin
> to hang on their wall. And a highly prized one of social engineering
> at that. Cpunks should bow the fuck down in respect to such a fellow
> cpunk, not fling hostile FUD at them just because they're working
> the system. For that matter, they should join them to add another
> voice. There are probably more US persons on this list than there
> are in their entire Congress. Think about that...

+1. And for those that don't believe shit can be hacked on policy level, look 
at ACTA, or at censorship debates in Poland. For instance:

> Now in the other direction of possible hostility... should The Man
> discover a cpunk within their ranks, well yes, there is a risk there.
> The usual opsec applies.

The opsec, as you say, is "usual". As in, cpunks more or less know how to 
handle it. The FUD and divide-and-conquer is a whole different ball game, and 
that's a huge problem.

> > In other words, FUD spread by "the Man" and the disinformation campaign,
> > sowing dissent, creating hostility and distrust within the community, and
> > in general the divide and conquer approach work wonders.
> That's why the above masses need to activate and throw the FUD back,
> and more, at The Man. Two can play that game. Problem is, right now
> there is only one real player on the field of politics, his name is The Man,
> and he's not on team cpunk.

Absolutely. And to start doing that, we *REALLY* need to see that "The Man" is 
not really a single entity, but a dynamic system of co-dependant people, 
institutions, interests, etc. Once we stop seeing "Teh Gummint" as a single 
entity that Has A Plan, cracks start to show. And we all know what we can do 
with cracks, don't we?

As long as we allow ourselves to drink the Kool-Aid of how mighty and 
monolithic "The Man" is, we're fucked.

Michał "rysiek" Woźniak

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