Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway

Razer Rayzer at riseup.net
Fri Jul 24 14:00:45 PDT 2015

From offlist:

On 07/24/2015 01:24 PM, Peter Fairbrother wrote:
> Fiat Chrysler recalls 1.4 million cars after Jeep hack
> http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/technology-33650491

Was just cruising twitter and noticed that @Uconnect is touting the
patch for their Chrysler in-car entertainment system. I suspect the lack
of 'firewall' between it and the car control circuitry was similar to
the problem that caused a China-base Mattel contractor to send
lead-painted toys to be included in (was it BK?) 'happy meals' for kids.

The problem? What the toy was going to be used for simply wasn't
mentioned in the specs delivered to the contractor so they never took it
into consideration to use a non-toxic coating. In this case it looks
like the in-car entertainment system manufacturer simply wasn't aware of
the rest of the circuitry in the vehicle, and it wasn't mentioned by
Chrysler, so they never even thought about it.


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