Hackers Remotely Kill a Jeep on the Highway

M373 M373 at riseup.net
Fri Jul 24 10:18:07 PDT 2015

On 24-Jul-15 11:52, Georgi Guninski wrote:
>> I seriously wonder if there's any assassinations that've happened with the
>> use of this mechanism. (1. wait until approaching intersection at high
>> speed, 2. disengage brakes + steering wheel, is probably very effective)
> We were discussing this in chat.
> Someone suggested "sooner or later sploits like this
> will appear on black/gray sploits markets or even become
> public". Then likely car accidents will go up and
> maybe mainstream media will cry "car/hackers injure human"
> (the other way is not news, it is statistics).

Some conspiracists conjectured this might have happened in the fatal,
fiery crash of the investigative journalist Michael Hastings in L.A.,
but without hard evidence it's the purview of the credulous prone to
conspiracy theories rather than an actual one (of which there are many).
Attacks had been publicly demonstrated by then. Such intrusions would be
hard to trace (especially without access to do the forensics). If it
hasn't happened yet, it will in the future. People will continue to use
smart cars as it's convenient and will be entrenched and socialized in
by the time hoi polloi would begin to appreciate the danger. The smart
car tech will also be collecting that much more info on users in the
vein of smartphones, Google, Facebook, Acxiom, and the lot.

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